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U.S. Bank Stadium Art Collection | Minnesota Vikings –

Peyton Scott Russell | Minneapolis, MN

Peyton Scott Russell | Minneapolis, MN

In Peyton's murals, he focuses on traditional graffiti motifs. Often, the result is an abstract display of interlocking letters that showcase a variety of line work, angles, colors, visual texture and energy. He also enjoys using pieces of old signs, repurposing them into sculptural relief and experimenting with three-dimensional fonts coupled with graffiti-style lettering. These assembloges give his modular work a clean, sharp and polished appearance while also allowing it to remain organize, unconfined and loose. With his experience in art and teaching, and based on what he has witnessed, the next chapter in his career most certainly will involve earning a master's degree so he can teach graffiti art at the college level, and continue to promote its value as fine art.
