Being a Minnesota Vikings Cheerleader is a busy, yet fulfilling, job even amidst a global pandemic. As a fourth-year veteran and second-year team captain, I am thrilled to take you behind the scenes of a typical day in my life!
Once my alarm sounds at 7:15 a.m., the first thoughts in my mind are 1) food and 2) COFFEE! Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, so if anything is going to get me out of bed, it is just that. I love starting my morning off with a filling, high-protein breakfast. One of my go-to meals is pancakes with a banana and iced coffee. It fills and fuels me, while also giving me the perfect caffeine kick to start my day off strong and energized. I love sitting down to eat this meal while getting my thoughts organized to accomplish my goals of the day. I'll frequently listen to podcasts at this time too, before jetting off to work by 8 a.m.

In addition to being a Minnesota Vikings Cheerleader, I work full-time as a marketing analyst at a marketing firm in Minneapolis. I currently work in the office two times a week and work from home the other three, which has been great to have a bit of structure and routine back in my life during this crazy year. Today I am headed into the office, which is a convenient seven-minute drive away!

My work days are usually filled with team meetings, answering emails, discussions with clients, creating and analyzing our marketing campaigns and much more. No two days are ever the same, and I wear multiple hats in my marketing role, but I wouldn't have it any other way – it keeps the days interesting and continues to push me to excel in my career. This is a snapshot of my work space, along with a few things I cannot live without:

- Gallon water jug: This massive water bottle is definitely obnoxious, but it is a lifesaver as it keeps me accountable to get my full water intake for the day! In these cold Minnesota winters, it can be challenging to meet the required daily water intake, but this bottle makes it easy, especially with the fun motivational messaging on the side.
- Picture of my teammates: Even on the craziest of work days, nothing puts as big a smile on my face as looking down at this Vikings game-day photo to remind me how truly grateful I am to be a part of something so remarkable.
- Capricorn mug: More like a pen holder! Although I don't actually drink out of it … this mug has inspirational words to give me that confidence boost that I can achieve anything no matter how difficult.
- 2021 planner: Anyone else feel like they neglected their 2020 planner during the pandemic? I've been actively writing in my 2021 planner already to set new goals, and I am committed to start the new year off strong.
Over my lunch break, I usually run some errands or head back home for a little break to clear my mind and make lunch (perks of living so close to the office!). After I crank out the second half of my work day and the clock hits 5 p.m., I head home to put in some more work … this time in the gym! My apartment complex has an amazing gym and fitness studio, which has honestly kept me sane during quarantine. I picked up a new workout routine using the Sweat app. The program is called PWR At Home, which is led by one of my biggest fitness inspirations, Kelsey Wells. I have loved every single workout, and it continues to excite and motivate me to exercise. Today, I was able to do a quick workout before our MVC zoom practice.

This season on the MVC, we have had consistent virtual practices weekly and/or monthly. Although it is much different than years past, I am so thankful to virtually see my teammates. These practices have ranged from learning new dance routines, working out virtually via our incredible LifeTime fitness trainers, doing team bonding activities and so much more. Having this supportive team, even during such uncertain times, continues to bring so much happiness into my life, and it makes me so ecstatic to someday soon dance with all of my beautiful teammates again.

Being a full-time marketing analyst and professional cheerleader requires a lot of organization and time-management skills to keep up. Due to this hectic lifestyle, I enjoy decompressing mentally and physically by journaling. My current favorite is this One Line a Day journal where you write the present day's events, memories, thoughts and anything significant worth remembering. It's a five-year memory book, making it so fun to relive moments while reflecting on change and progress. I highly recommend this to anyone looking to journal in a manageable, simple way.

I love consistency in my life but occasionally switch up my nightly activities on weekdays, whether that involves getting dinner with friends, visiting my parents, going shopping, binge-watching TV shows or scrolling TikToks (that app is addicting!). I am a night owl, too, so I usually fall asleep around midnight in hopes to sleep peacefully before starting a new jam-packed day filled with responsibilities, new goals and a grateful heart to be blessed with a life that is fulfilling in so many ways.
Thanks for following me along my typical day in my life!
Captain MVC Alex