MIN 0TouchdownJ.Howard 6 yd. run (C.Parkey kick) (6-71, 3:46)
CHI2nd quarterMIN
13 CHI
MIN 0TouchdownJ.Howard 1 yd. run (kick failed, hru) (10-85, 5:39)
13 CHI
MIN 3Field GoalD.Bailey 45 yd. Field Goal (8-37, 1:04)
CHI3rd quarterMIN
13 CHI
MIN 10TouchdownS.Diggs 2 yd. pass from K.Cousins (D.Bailey kick) (12-92, 7:35)
CHI4th quarterMIN
21 CHI
MIN 10TouchdownT.Cohen 3 yd. run (M.Trubisky-N.Kwiatkoski pass) (16-75, 9:05)
24 CHI
MIN 10Field GoalC.Parkey 42 yd. Field Goal (4-8, 2:29)
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